Green Magma



The White Fire attunement must come before this one, as it acts as a foundation! 


*Mends Energetic Fractures

*Blockage opening

*Negative Energy Cleanse

*Hormonal Shifts

*For Client Use or Self Use


*Earth Connection

*Primordial fire, Earth, and water.

*Moon Connection

*Poison to anyone who does not align with you

*Power Increase- Especially with all 3 attunements

*Makes Thoughts and cycles more obvious so you can heal

*Reveals Enemies/makes enemies reveal themselves

This is the 3rd of 3 powerful attunements that will keep negative parasites and people away from you.....revealing themselves and driving them to madness. I can say firsthand that this WORKS and this energy is not to be messed with.

It's power, high vibration, and a cleansing of all things negative in your life. Be prepared for shocking change!

Make sure to get Purple fire and White fire  attunements for full effect!!!